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Visibli recently conducted a study on ‘Big Auto’ brands on Twitter to see just who is talking to their customers.

Quite surprisingly it wasn’t Ford (would have been my first pick) – it was Honda!

There’s no doubt that major vehicle manufacturers are hitting Social Media hard. They realize the weight of word of mouth (be it digital) and the strength of referrals and reviews.
The question is – are they doing it right?

It would appear that the answer is actually blatantly obvious.

Yes, there are some brands with more followers, I’ll keep preaching though – more followers doesn’t mean you’re an engaging brand. It just means… well… you have more followers.
It’s obviously all about what you’re talking about and your target followers.

Take a look at the graphs below. You’ll notice that (surprise, surprise) the automotive brand that talks about cars a lot is the one that is mentioned and retweeted the most whereas the brands that choose to talk about sports, technology and other topics aren’t engaged nearly as much.

Of course, you should consider what each brand is looking for in the market. Ford, for example, may be pushing the technology in their vehicles as a primary focus – this might skew the data a little but the point remains – talk about what you know, talk about what you do, target your audience appropriately and and engaging audience is bound to follow.