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Sensory impairment is when a person’s senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste or spatial awareness), are no longer operating as normal. An example would be of someone wearing glasses due to the existence of a sight impairment or if a person who was hard of hearing wore a hearing aid.

There exists a good degree of misunderstanding about those who have an impairment of whatever type. Having and living with an impairment has changed over the years with many advances in technology allowing for a relatively normal life like everyone else. In years gone by, people diagnosed with having an impairment of some sort would likely have been at some degree of disadvantage but thankfully, this is no longer the case.

This info-graphic from Home Healthcare Adaptations gives some really useful background information on what is defined as an impairment and it also highlights some apps that can be used by those who are diagnosed as visually impaired or who have a hearing impairment.
