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Each week TechBurgh features a beautiful woman and how technology affects her life. If you, of someone you know would like to be featured click here




I’m an employment specialist for a healthcare system. On the side, I do promotions for various companies. Primarily I work with Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort, and Bacardi. I’m also a BarSmart girl, which is part of a web site that reviews Pittsburgh nightlife.

Do you use a laptop or desktop?
Laptop for work, desktop for home

Apple or PC?

What’s your favorite gadget and why?
I have a GoGear media player that I always take with me. It’s super easy to upload songs, and I can use it to store files as well.

What do you use your computer for most?
Mostly for work related functions like resume sourcing and e-mail, but I play around on MySpace and Facebook too! I also use it for photo editing (for professional pictures and goofy ones on MySpace!)

Do you watch TV & Movies on TV or your computer?
The only movie I’ve ever watched on my laptop was High School Musical… don’t laugh, it was required for work!

Favorite web site/s?

How has tech most affected your life?
It helps keep you connected – different social web sites help keep you connected in today’s busy world, and it can even get you back in touch with long lost friends.

Do you have any web sites you’d like listed with your feature?