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imageIt takes more than simple training to keep your employees’ skills up to date it takes a learning management system, you need to orchestrate your education.

I’ve trained a few people an companies and I know what a chore it can be, I know what it takes to piece together the notes, the materials, the scheduling (nightmare) the tracking reporting and more. It’s a hassle, a real hassle – why do you think trainers are paid so much?

The same way you rarely see a skinny chef, you rarely see a (quality) instructor with a full head of hair.

There’s a Conductor Training suite that helps.

I’ve actually heard a lot about this one. I heard it helps a lot.

The Conductor LMS (Learning Management System) is truly that, it’s an LMS that takes care of tracking, course development, design, scheduling, registration reporting and more.


p>It’s not cheap but it’s well, well worth it. If you train or have anything to do with training it’s worth checking out. There’s a 30 day trial too.