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Last FM is giving free on-demand access to most the commercial catalog of music. Until you want to listen to that song for the fourth time.

The company behind Word Press is raising a ton of money at a huge valuation from investors including the New York Times to keep pressin’ out them words.

The long-awaited auction of 700 MHz spectrum begins today. Some think Google will just place a token bid, but some moves that they’ve made make them look quite serious about this. You can check the daily progress of the auction on the FCC’s site.

After Warner Brother’s lined up with Blu-Ray, HD-DVD is getting crushed.

Blizzard just announced that World of Warcraft has officially passed 10 million subscribers world-wide.

Virgin Galactic announced their first passenger space ship. Daily Tech has the details.

The Super Nintendo emulator for the iPhone is in beta.

It’s usually hard for guys to buy clothes for their girlfriends, but she’s sure to love a modular LED dress.

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