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iStock_000005713526XSmall Descructoid posted an article citing that gamers are no longer shy nerds.

Apparently an Australian Study recently found that the stereotypical ‘gamer’ has changed. Gone is the nerdy, socially inept, greasy, friendless, gamer (really?)

15% of the people polled were "problem gamers", spending 50 hours or more playing. Apparently even they weren’t shy nerds either.

[If you’re spending 50 hours per week gaming…. let’s see. There are 168 hours in a week. They’re spending 50+ gaming, that leaves 116 hours, 5 hours per night sleeping (because they’re gamers) leaving us 81. That doesn’t leave a lot of time to be sociable.]

Does the fact that today’s gaming often involves interacting with others make a difference?

Does being social virtually really make you a social person?