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Now, here’s one you’ll like.

This came across my desk today and I thought I’d share.
LeapFish terms itself as a multi-dimensional search engine. I didn’t know what that meant until I visited the LeapFish site at and gave it a shot.

The first thing you notice is that they include a lot of news etc. right on the front page. This is customizable of course if you sign up for a free account.
There are videos, news, market summary (bleh) and tips as well as a box for your local weather.

There’s a big old box at the top of the page in which to type your search criteria. Pretty much like 110% of the other search engines out there, right?

When I typed techburgh into the search box I was pleasantly surprised when I got results right away, without even clicking anything (upon further inspection you’ll see there is nothing to click).

The LeapFish results that come up come from Google (as default, there are options for Yahoo! and MSN) and show pretty much how that would on the actual search engine, or better in some cases.

As well as simple results videos appear at the right of the page along with related images. The lower portion of the screen contains a few blog results.

LeapFish is rather nice!

I think I might very well start using this over a ‘regular’ search engine.

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