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Originally called Dori (after the inquisitive fish in Finding Nemo) Google Moderator is intended to be something of an intranet system where users can submit and vote on questions.

Google Moderator was initially created so that users can submit and vote on questions for Google Tech Talks but it seems that it was so popular and worked so well that they have released it (in beta) as part of the Google Apps suite.

Some of the featured series’ in Google Moderator right now are Take a Tip. Share a Tip, Ask a World Leader, Ask a Google Engineer, Suggest an Andriod Application.

Google Moderator has a simple, plain interface (right now). Series creation, question submission and voting are easy.

Moderator even keeps track of your tips etc. and votes.

I can see a number of applications for Google Moderator.

What would you use it for?

See more at:
Google Moderator
Google System Blog

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