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The world renowned geeky guy in the glasses, bobble hat, and red and white striped shirt has made his first appearance with his friends on the iPhone and iPod Touch. image

“Where’s Waldo?” (or “Where’s Wally?” as it’s known in the UK) is a top selling app in the iTunes Store and quite rightly so!

Based on the award winning illustrated books by the British Illustrator Martin Handford, the idea behind the game is that you find Waldo (Wally) and his friends – Wilma, Odlaw, Wizard Whitebeard and more throughout many different images.


You’re given items to find in the right side panel as you drag and pan around the image.

Each image is incredibly detailed, different aspects are animated (making it more difficult). Tap on the item to tell the game that you found it and move on to the next item or image.

Levels are timed and your friend Woof is there to help find items if you can’t spot them (limited help).

As you’re searching for the different items you’re helped a little as the game narrows down the search area a little.
I found that the most difficult part of each level is at the beginning when you have to search the whole image for Waldo, Wilma and the Wizard.

There’s a story to the game too with the characters giving introductions and instruction for each level.

For only a buck it’s a great game and a wonderful way to kill time. Well worth a download.

Search the Apple App store for “Where’s Waldo?”

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