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I had an issue recently where, while using the Built-in WordPress Post editor I (and my writers) couldn’t upload images to their posts.
Now, I don’t use the Editor much – I’m a Windows Live Writer user but it’s still a pain if I need to write something from somewhere other than my Desktop.

The error was…

Unable to create directory [insert directory path here] Is its parent directory writable by the server?

Using an FTP client I could see that sure enough the directory in the error was writable… as was the parent directory etc. etc. Still didn’t fix the problem.

I did a little searching and tinkering and came up with a working solution…

1) Log into your Hosting Control Center or Hosting Control Panel
2) Look for and copy whatever the Absolute Hosting Path is
3) Open a new browser and log into you wp-admin
4) Goto Setting -> Miscellaneous or Media (depending on your WordPress installation)
5) Where it says “Store uploads in this folder” – copy what is in there already to something as a backup (in case something goes wrong)
6) Paste in your Absolute Hosting Path
7) Add “/wp-content/uploads” after the Absolute Hosting Path and save settings

Let me know if this fixes the problem for you or not.

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