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Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Many, many people use Google Street View every day to explore new places. Some of which they’ll likely never travel to, some things they’ll never see.

It can be good to see new things. Unexpected things.

However, a man in France got caught doing something entirely unexpected by a Google Street View car and the picture of him was posted online for the World to see.

The anonymous individual thought that he was hidden from public view in his front yard in the Maine-et-Loire region of France.
In his village of about 3,000 people the Google Street View Car caught him urination and, the picture went online and the man sued Google for it.

Reuters reports that the man is asking for $13,300 in damages and to have the picture removed.

Of course Google is pleading the case.

Google Street View has imagery of public roads in more than 30 countries globally.
All images are taken by a vehicle (be it a car or bicycle) with special camera mounted on it.

While Google cannot possibly go through and censor all of its Street View images it does blur license plates and users can request removal of specific pictures from the service.

There has been cases in which people have been caught sunbathing, leaving ‘adult premises’, and more on Google Street View. Of course, there have been circumstances in which people have set up scenes especially for the Street View Car, fight scenes, marching bands and more.

This thrilling case continues. 

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